We have avoided filling your inbox and opted instead to keep it simple… we are here when you need us! While the Muros office is closed for now, we are certainly open.
Business continuity… from home
Muros appreciates that your project may need immediate certainty and a quick response now more than ever. Working remotely we can provide pricing, quotations, design and technical guidance. Please contact us at any time.
Stock on hand…now
We can assure you we are well-stocked in popular wall panel designs (despite Muros Wall Panels being manufactured in Europe). Our Auckland-based distribution centre is presently holding over 1,000 panels (in varying designs and colours) ready for projects in progress.
Specifying decisions…support
For our architect and referring community we are digitally operational – working remotely to satisfy your requests. We understand many of you are continuing work on designs and specifications from home. Whilst physical samples and visiting your offices (or ours) are not possible in design phase, we have a large amount of product information and project imagery for you to narrow down your design option. Your clients and business owners may of course be revising their plans – some with reduced spend and activity understandable. We can revise quotes and offer solutions that will deliver more economy in projects.
Getting back to business…quickly
When we receive the ‘green light’ for the lockdown end Muros will move promptly to complete and deliver all orders.
Of course, delays and project overruns are inevitable during lockdown – we also know they are costly. We are committed to helping you and your clients to get projects back underway as soon as possible. Let’s all do what we do best….get back to business as soon as lockdown is lifted!
Plans may have changed. Like the past decade we here at Muros will continue to service you with European textured wall panels to meet your design aspirations. Real brick, concrete, stone or wood may now not be affordable, in stock or too slow to install. Time is money.
Our Muros faux textured walls are lightweight, durable and quick to install. They offer a viable alternative to meet your clients’ needs and budget.
Stay safe and we look forward to touching base with you all in due course. In the meantime we will do our best to stay connected with product and project news and views.